Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The art of letting go...

I'm not a big fan of Mariah Carey except for the song "All I Want For Christmas Is You", but sadly I'm not feeling it this year... instead, I can't get enough of her song "The Art of Letting Go".

Good-bye 2013...time to let go and make room for better things in 2014.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

How do you mend a broken heart...

The questions are:

What do you do when the person you thought you'd be spending the rest of your life with, betrays you after many years? Especially, when you needed them the most and it was beyond clear to them.

How do you forget them?

What do you do with all those life time memories and pictures that take you back to all the good times you had, yet pictures are also what revealed the betrayal and you can see THEIR good times aswell? Or atleast, a few of them and you can't imagine how many more good times there were behind your back. I guess, it doesn't matter, even one time is enough since they robbed you of the time and those memories that could've been yours together.

Tough questions and I hope to soon find out the answers as time goes by, but for now, I'm completely shocked that if love was so grand as it supposedly was then why did this happen? why when I was at my worse, they were enjoying life together as if I didn't exist? As if I never existed. I will never know since no truth comes out of that mouth and really, nothing said can make a difference of the wrong that was done and the pain that was caused.

It is what it is, their life goes on together and as for me...
and so on and so on, until there's no longer an effort to try to be strong and those horrible memories will be just THAT, stupid memories of someone that took me for granted and didn't know how to RESPECT what we had.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Cupcakes 2013

You can't tell in this picture, but the cupcakes are also topped with glitter and a bit of pretty shimmering sugar.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Grinchmas Theme Party Ideas

Grinchmas party themed ideas...

Hats for your guests  
Made this hat out of icing tub lid, pipe cleaners, cotton ball, ribbon and hot glue.

I printed big and small pictures of the grinch, max and some of the other characters and hung some on the tree as ornaments,others on the walls as decoration. The glass ornament has green feathers and green glitter inside of it and a fabric grinch photo on it with a metal heart.

Covered a birthday hat with red ribbon that feels like plastic, made a border with glittered tulle, a pom pom on top and a bottle cap with the grinch's picture, silver garland leaves and a light green feather.

Chocolate trees made with a tree mold, chocolate tinted in different colors and a little gold luster.

 I got the idea of the grinch pill from the internet and I got inspired to make one from max too. Actually from his groomer! On a website, I found brown cotton candy that tastes like cherry, but it looks like fur and it's called Werewolf hair or something like that, so I packaged it as you see above.

These I made just because it went with the christmas theme even though it has nothing to do with the Grinch.

Grinch, Max and Christmas cake pops.
I tried to do a grinch on my nail with a toothpick and the colors I already had at home. Also, made Grinch hairclips.
For picture background, I covered a book case with a black plastic tablecloth and drew added rectangles of red posterboard to resemble bricks and traced them in white acrylic paint. In the center I drew a fire with a few "wood logs" made of paper towel rolls painted in brown and black. It was for one night only so I used what I already had in hand, but about 3-4 days later, I had to clean it up because the paint started peeling off. The quote above the "chimney" read:

My Christmas tree was really small. It was white, I added white lights to it and made glittered red, green & silver ornaments. Also, a clear ornament filled with green glitter and light green feathers and on the outside, the Grinch's face and red heart.