Sunday, December 29, 2013

How do you mend a broken heart...

The questions are:

What do you do when the person you thought you'd be spending the rest of your life with, betrays you after many years? Especially, when you needed them the most and it was beyond clear to them.

How do you forget them?

What do you do with all those life time memories and pictures that take you back to all the good times you had, yet pictures are also what revealed the betrayal and you can see THEIR good times aswell? Or atleast, a few of them and you can't imagine how many more good times there were behind your back. I guess, it doesn't matter, even one time is enough since they robbed you of the time and those memories that could've been yours together.

Tough questions and I hope to soon find out the answers as time goes by, but for now, I'm completely shocked that if love was so grand as it supposedly was then why did this happen? why when I was at my worse, they were enjoying life together as if I didn't exist? As if I never existed. I will never know since no truth comes out of that mouth and really, nothing said can make a difference of the wrong that was done and the pain that was caused.

It is what it is, their life goes on together and as for me...
and so on and so on, until there's no longer an effort to try to be strong and those horrible memories will be just THAT, stupid memories of someone that took me for granted and didn't know how to RESPECT what we had.

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