Friday, September 27, 2013

Things that go bump in the day...Fright Night #1: MAMA =) =)...

About a week ago, I began to hear the walls make little cracking noises, but it was windy outside so I knew it was just the wind. Then, a couple days ago, it was very different...different noises and a bit louder too, but so glad I would only hear them during the day.

Yesterday, I was standing by the sink with my back towards the hallway and when I turned a little to the side, I noticed from the corner of my eye that there was a dark figure standing behind me, in the hallway. I turned around to look right at it and it looked like the shape of a tall, slender man. He was just standing there, but I could tell he wasn't looking in my direction. He was staring at the bedroom door and I could clearly see the shape of the nose and lips and before I knew it, I saw the figure go into a grayish tone and then it was gone. I was like...Um...ooookay, what the heck was that?!?! Then, I forgot about it for a while, but really late that night I was watching videos on youtube and I saw the picture of a shadow man on a girl's video and THAT was when I got the creeps! But then I thought....yeeeey!!! Its HALLOWEEN TIME!!! and that means time to have "Fright Night" every night until Halloween! So tonight, I watched:
A bittersweet movie. The little girls do such a great job and some parts are cute, funny, sad and others just plain freaking creepy! Definitely, makes me jump a few times and hopefully it makes you jump too! Love this movie so I give it two happy faces...=) =) 

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