Thursday, January 2, 2014

Call a meeting with yourself

My brother borrowed a book called "The Daniel Fast" and he showed me a recipe in it and thats how the book caught my attention. I read parts of it and found many interesting things in it. I don't do diets so I'm not on the Daniel diet, but I would still like to share some things I read in the book. Some with the words from the book even if not quoted and other parts in my own words.

A section of the book talks about changing the way we live and analyzing our relationships, goals and life.

"We get into schedules and ways of life that form a momentum of their own and we just go along for the ride. Then we look back and wonder what happened to all the time."

She also speaks of calling a little meeting with yourself and even if I'm not on the diet, I thought it would be interesting to answer the following questions now that we started a new year.

"This is not a time for condemnation or remorse, but rather a time to take stock of yourself."

Get a notebook, pen, clear your head and try to answer the following:

1. What 5 things would you like to accomplish over the next twelve months?
(Ex: Five days a week dinners for the family, learning a new hobby, visiting new places, etc.)

2. What are 3 new habits you want to form?

3. What fears do you have that you want God to help you conquer?

4. Is there unforgiveness in your heart? Many of us have unresolved hurts and unforgiven wrongs that still weigh on us, perhaps even while you read these words, some thoughts or memories are bubbling on the surface.

I like question #4 in the book and makes sense, but ofcourse to me forgiving doesn't mean forgiving and letting people keep making empty promises and because you love and care for them, you keep allowing deception and betrayel into your life. There has to come a time when you realize that if they loved you, they wouldn't hurt you or take advantage of your love and kindness. Therefore, you have to put a stop to it and begin loving yourself because if you don't love yourself, its easy for others to not appreciate you, nor respect you or treat you the way you deserve to be treated, so as hard as it may be, it shouldn't be a choice.

5. Are there areas that are "out of order" in your life?
(Ex: unfinished projects, personal challenges, a to do list, etc.)

Change isn't easy, but we can do it by changing little by little or even one thing at a time. We are all stronger than we believe to be.

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