Friday, January 3, 2014

Italian Pasta - Vegetables only

As I've mentioned before, I'm not into any type of diet, but I do want to eat less fast food, less junk food and more vegetables this year so I will be trying out new recipes, some healthy and some not so much.

- 16 oz. Whole wheat penne pasta (I only used about half)
- 2 Tbsp Olive Oil (or vegetable oil)
- 3 Garlic Cloves, roughly chopped
- 1 tsp.Italian Seasoning
- 1 Large Onion, sliced
- 1 to 2 Bell Peppers, sliced (I like using different colors, to make pasta look colorful)
- 1 small jar of Artichoke Hearts in seasoned oil, sliced. Save some of the oil in the jar.
- 1/2 to 1 medium Tomato, chopped
- Salt
- Fresh Lemon Juice, to taste
- Shredded Parmesan Cheese and/or Grated Parmesan Cheese

1. Cook pasta, drain, and set aside.
2. In a large skillet or wok, add the oil and garlic, cooking at medium heat.
3. When the oil is hot, rub Italian seasoning between your palms and add to oil.
4. Add onion, mix and cook about a minute.
5. Add bell peppers, mix and increase heat to high. Cook a couple of minutes.
6. Add salt, artichokes and a little bit of their oil. Mix well.
7. Add chopped tomatoes and cook 1 minute.
8. Add the cooked pasta and mix well.
9. Add a squirt of lemon juice, mix well and taste. Add more lemon if you'd like.
10. Mix until pasta is heated through.
11. Serve hot, garnished with shredded parmesan to taste.

I loooove this recipe! It's sooooo good and I can eat it everyday! Ofcourse you can adjust the ingredients to taste or add chicken and hopefully you'll enjoy it too.

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