Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Envelope...

Ok so one night I was reading blogs and I came across a blog that talked about a gift given on Christmas and it consisted of 12 dates in 12 months (pre-paid dates). I thought that was a great idea since I was trying to come up with something fun and creative to give as a birthday gift.

I covered a box with birthday wrapping paper and added many pictures of places we've been to. Then I labeled 12 envelopes. The July envelope had 2 dates...

For the 1st date, I made a little black container look like a mini top hat and added a pom pom with googly eyes and felt ears to make the bunny coming out of the hat. The sign attached at the top said :Can you take a hint? Inside the hat were tickets to SMOKE and MIRRORS a fun magic show in north hollywood. It's an awesome show and definitely worth going to check it out. Albie, the magician is so talented and I love the way he tells his story. Everyone was so friendly and nice.
For the 2nd date...I added 2 drawing pads, a box of colored pencils and a card that I made. On the card I attached a crayon with a ribbon and the card said "LETS GET CRAFTY". Inside the card, it said we were going to have dinner at PizzaRev (where you get to craft your own pizza. Its an individual pizza and you get to add whatever sauces and toppings you want). After dinner, we had to go home and draw a portrait of eachother!

The pizza was soooooo good and the portraits were hillllllllarious!!! Definitely had a good month with fun dates!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Happy Belated National Hot Dog Day!!!

I heard on tv that it was National Hot Dog Day so I wanted to celebrate it by eating hot dogs. First, I thought of having a small hot dog bar, but I kinda had that for a previous celebration I had for my mom so I wanted to do something different, but had no idea what. Then on a morning show, they showed a place in downtown that sells exotic hot dogs made of crocodiles, rattle snakes, rabbit and more! That's a bit TOO crazy for me, but thats where I got the idea to see what else I could find nearby and not too crazy. I found a place in North Hollywood that was perfect.

The place is called Vicious Dogs and it has many hot dog combinations. I had a bacon wrapped dog topped with mustard, chopped french fries, grilled bell pepper and onions. Along with that, I ordered some garlic fries and they were deeeeeeeellllllliiiiiicious!!! I couldn't stopped eating them! everything was so good and it didn't feel greasy like hot dogs and garlic fries usually are but I did get full quick and wasn't able to finish my fries. I was stuffed and couldn't take one more bite of my hot dog either so I left about 2 more bites.

I really wanted to try other combinations like:

The Mac Daddy- its a bacon wrapped dog topped with mac n' cheese!
Dogitos- 2 Hot Dogs,each wrapped in a corn tortilla and deep fried,with a side of sour cream & guacamole.
The Peanut Butter Dog- Bacon wrapped topped with a sliced banana and honey. You can also add strawberry jelly or chocolate candy pieces! hmmmm....interesting.

Mary got a veggie dog which I thought was awesome that they thought of vegetarians, especially in a hot dog place. The girl behind the counter told her their veggie dogs are made of soy so she ordered  a Sweet and Spicy and was topped with a sweet and spicy chili glaze, grilled onions and bell peppers. She liked it.

I defenitely want to go back and try something different to go with my garlic fries! because those I will order every time. soooo good!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Conjuring was good...

ok so the conjuring movie had exorcism parts which I do not appreciate because they are just a bit too freaky for me, but overall I think it was a good movie. It didn't scare me as much though and it's not a "sleep with the lights on" movie for me, but it is a "sleep with the tv on" kind of movie! I know the people sitting next to me can't say the same. It was a group of 3...1 girl walked out and didn't come back...the guy was sitting next to me and he kept screaming and was acting nervous and stuffing his face with handfulls of pop corn and making me nervous too, the 2nd girl kept making weird noises and sliding of her seat. It was so funny.

Anyway, so I really liked the story about the doll. Dolls don't really scare me as much but the story was pretty creepy. I liked the "crayon" scene. The movie did not disappoint me but it's not my favorite either. I think it's worth watching. The actors did an aaaaaaawesome job! They are brave, brave, brave because if I was an actress, I would not play any of their parts! skurrrrrry!

Oh! talking about dolls...I have a tall doll that has eyes that creep me out even in the daylight so my mom would always hide her in the closet. At night, it looked like a child was in the room with us. We once threw her away or tried to but we've had her for aslong as i can remember and we felt bad getting rid of her so we kept her. We've moved a couple of times and we always take her with us. The last time we moved, my mom kept the doll in her room but my brother didn't like it because she would creep him out a bit so again my mom put her in the closet. I really wonder where that doll came from and if she came with really short hair the way she has it.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

THE CONJURING...I can NOT wait!!!

Ok, so I LOVE scary movies BUT I'm having a hard time finding any that I really, really, love. They're either too unrealistic, too much gore, too violent or they end up being not scary because all the good scenes were played out in the movie trailers, or they have sex scenes that have no point being in the movie and could've been left out! I know there's a saying: sex sells but come on...focus! It would be nice if they focused more on a unique and creative way to make the film scary rather than a usual smokeout and sex scene with a ghost or 2 hiding under the bed just because thats what sells. I want to see a creepy, haunting, and "can't sleep with the lights off for a month" kind of movie.

I remember how excited I was when I heard about CHERNOBYL DIARIES. I was telling everyone about it, but then when it came out, I went to see it....and wasn't scary at all and I was disappointed and had to go back and tell everyone it was not what I expected at all. And what's even more annoying to me is a movie with a bad ending! You sit through it and you might find a few parts that were ok, but then the ending sucks and it feels like they just wasted my time! Can you say REFUND? It really couldve been a good movie with a good ending but it didn't even come close to it.

Then some people suggested: CABIN IN THE WOODS....uuuh no....look at my face, look at my sad face.... =(  because that is how I felt after watching another one of THOSE movies.

 BUT now im sooooo looking forward to THE CONJURING and im doing the countdown since I heard about it! I can NOT wait! Hopefully, it will be a good one. Plus, it looks like they chose really good talented actors for it. I'm skurrrrd y'all! looks so creepy. Love these posters!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You Will Be Remembered Talia

This is a different kind of post...but a very important one to me. Frankly, i've always wanted to create a blog but I am clueless when it comes down to technology and social medias so I didn't dare to take that first step, but today when I heard the bad news about Talia Castellano...I just felt that I had to create one, so I can post a message in her memory...

Thank you Talia for showing us what courage means, what a fighter is and for uplifting many of us. Many times you managed to put a smile on my face and I am grateful for that. You were pure Joy and we miss you already.

Thank you for encouraging so many people, thank you for making a difference sweet little Angel. I know you earned your Angel wings this morning and I can't imagine what your family is going through but they too are fighters and will definitely be in our prayers.

Thank you Talia's mom, dad & sister for allowing her to be part of our lives and I'm sorry for your loss.