Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You Will Be Remembered Talia

This is a different kind of post...but a very important one to me. Frankly, i've always wanted to create a blog but I am clueless when it comes down to technology and social medias so I didn't dare to take that first step, but today when I heard the bad news about Talia Castellano...I just felt that I had to create one, so I can post a message in her memory...

Thank you Talia for showing us what courage means, what a fighter is and for uplifting many of us. Many times you managed to put a smile on my face and I am grateful for that. You were pure Joy and we miss you already.

Thank you for encouraging so many people, thank you for making a difference sweet little Angel. I know you earned your Angel wings this morning and I can't imagine what your family is going through but they too are fighters and will definitely be in our prayers.

Thank you Talia's mom, dad & sister for allowing her to be part of our lives and I'm sorry for your loss.

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