Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Conjuring was good...

ok so the conjuring movie had exorcism parts which I do not appreciate because they are just a bit too freaky for me, but overall I think it was a good movie. It didn't scare me as much though and it's not a "sleep with the lights on" movie for me, but it is a "sleep with the tv on" kind of movie! I know the people sitting next to me can't say the same. It was a group of 3...1 girl walked out and didn't come back...the guy was sitting next to me and he kept screaming and was acting nervous and stuffing his face with handfulls of pop corn and making me nervous too, the 2nd girl kept making weird noises and sliding of her seat. It was so funny.

Anyway, so I really liked the story about the doll. Dolls don't really scare me as much but the story was pretty creepy. I liked the "crayon" scene. The movie did not disappoint me but it's not my favorite either. I think it's worth watching. The actors did an aaaaaaawesome job! They are brave, brave, brave because if I was an actress, I would not play any of their parts! skurrrrrry!

Oh! talking about dolls...I have a tall doll that has eyes that creep me out even in the daylight so my mom would always hide her in the closet. At night, it looked like a child was in the room with us. We once threw her away or tried to but we've had her for aslong as i can remember and we felt bad getting rid of her so we kept her. We've moved a couple of times and we always take her with us. The last time we moved, my mom kept the doll in her room but my brother didn't like it because she would creep him out a bit so again my mom put her in the closet. I really wonder where that doll came from and if she came with really short hair the way she has it.

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