Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Envelope...

Ok so one night I was reading blogs and I came across a blog that talked about a gift given on Christmas and it consisted of 12 dates in 12 months (pre-paid dates). I thought that was a great idea since I was trying to come up with something fun and creative to give as a birthday gift.

I covered a box with birthday wrapping paper and added many pictures of places we've been to. Then I labeled 12 envelopes. The July envelope had 2 dates...

For the 1st date, I made a little black container look like a mini top hat and added a pom pom with googly eyes and felt ears to make the bunny coming out of the hat. The sign attached at the top said :Can you take a hint? Inside the hat were tickets to SMOKE and MIRRORS a fun magic show in north hollywood. It's an awesome show and definitely worth going to check it out. Albie, the magician is so talented and I love the way he tells his story. Everyone was so friendly and nice.
For the 2nd date...I added 2 drawing pads, a box of colored pencils and a card that I made. On the card I attached a crayon with a ribbon and the card said "LETS GET CRAFTY". Inside the card, it said we were going to have dinner at PizzaRev (where you get to craft your own pizza. Its an individual pizza and you get to add whatever sauces and toppings you want). After dinner, we had to go home and draw a portrait of eachother!

The pizza was soooooo good and the portraits were hillllllllarious!!! Definitely had a good month with fun dates!

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