Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feb. 1 - Movie: "Julie & Julia"

Valentine's Day is coming up so my plan was to watch romantic comedies, romantic dramas & all that, to stay in the theme of this month, but wanted to start with "LABOR DAY" movie. As I mentioned before, I can't go anywhere because I'm a sickie soooo I had to watch something else at home instead and I went with "JULIE & JULIA".

I really enjoy this movie because I feel it's about real people being lost, about learning, finding yourself, and doing what you love. I'm sure many of us, at some point in our life, we wish we could wake up one day and have a life changing idea, but ofcourse some of us are too scared so we'll never know, but it's nice to see people that go for it and don't give up and later find out it's one of the best decisions they've made.

This movie also includes lots of food and a blog so ofcourse I love it! It's also nice to see that both characters have a loving, supporting partner that's involved, gives ideas and enjoys their cooking. Who wouldn't want that? I love to see couples that love and respect eachother. And though, some people would think it's "depressing" to watch romantic movies so close to Valentine's Day if you're single and also after a break up (based on a comment someone made), I just can't agree. I love beautiful true love stories even if just in movies, books, or if someone else is telling them because not only does it make me smile, but it also gives me hope that sweet, gentle, solid, respectful, honest love exists soooomewhere out there in the world. Right? Any power couples out there? Hard to find, but sure they're out there.


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