Saturday, February 8, 2014

Stay in the Mickey Mouse theme...Hair, Makeup and Nails

The Mickey Mouse Party is today and I'm STILL sick! It's cold and it will be an outdoor party so I'm not sure yet if I will be able to make it =(

Either way I would like to show you how I was planning on staying in the theme. I don't really have colorful clothing so I express myself with hair accessories and nail art, if you can call it that since I don't even have any of the things needed for the art. I only have some nail polishes and I do what I can with what I have.

I think you guys will never guess where I got the net looking thing for my hairclip. One night, I was sitting at the kitchen table just thinking stuff & I noticed something yellow in a fruit basket so I pulled it and it was a bag (yellow net looking thing) full of lemons. My brother had bought them so I asked if I could have a piece of his bag and he said yes so I cut it and made a Mickey Mouse hairpiece.

Told you guys... I loooove upcycling! =)
Here's what it looks like...

But in case I end up going, even if just for an hour since it's really close to where I live, I've got my eye makeup ready in the theme colors...

In the crease I have black and red blended together and on the inside of my eyes, I added yellow and on my lid and under my eyebrows I added a little white so I used all the colors of the party.

My nails are ready too!

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