Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Marinated Tofu

Hi! Guess what? I burned part of this dish and my baking dish is ruined! BUT, there's a bit of good news...actually it's a big deal and happy that not everything burned. The recipe doesn't say to put tofu in the oven without the marinade, it only says "same dish" so that's what I did with the marinade still in it and the marinade & some of the pinapple pieces burned big time! but not the tofu. It was my fault though because I used a slightly bigger dish than called for. Anyway, I'll tell you guys a little later how I saved it.

Recipe from Ultimatedanielfast.com

Marinated Tofu
- 8 oz. Extra firm tofu, drained
- 1/4 cup unsweetened pinapple juice
- 2 Tablespoons soy sauce or Bragg's Liquid Aminos
- 1 clove garlic, minced

1. Slice tofu into 1 inch cubes and place in an 8 x 8 inch baking dish.

2. Mix pinapple juice, Braggs Liquid Aminos (soy sauce) and garlic in a small bowl. Use a whisk to combine. Pour over tofu and put in refrigerator to marinate 30-45 minutes.

3. Preheat over to 350 degrees. Then bake (in the same dish) for 20 mins or until the outside is a deep, golden brown and slightly crispy.

(yield: 4 servings - serving size: about 2 oz)

Mine never got crispy or deep golden brown, but I'm guessing you can cook it longer if making it on the skillet or wok and you want it a darker color. Mine was fine just like this.

Ok so I doubled the recipe but kept both parts separate. I marinaded them separately too. I used the juice from canned pineapples and even though the recipe didnt call for pineapple pieces, I added a few pieces to marinate along with the tofu. Yummy!

When the marinade was burning and tofu was barely looking golden brown, I took it out of the oven, added a tiny bit of oil to a skillet and when it was hot, I added the tofu and the pinapple chunks. When it browned on the skillet, added some of the marinade that wasn't burned, a few extra left over pinapples and pinapple juice that were still in the can. It smelled really good and when my brother tried it, he said it was really good and he couldn't taste anything burned or any bitter garlic so my tofu was saved! I put the tofu on a towel for a few minutes so it could drain a bit.

Then I heated a little bit of oil again, cooked the second batch and did the same thing...Waited for it to brown, added some of the marinade, then some pinapples chunks and a bit of the juice still in the can and when it looked caramelized and cooked, I drained it a few minutes too and done! Served it with brown rice.

My brother liked how the pineapple pieces tasted so if you like pineapples in your food, make sure to add enough. I was experimenting so I didn't add too many. Hope you guys try it on a skillet like I did it or like the recipe says, just make sure you follow every step, unlike me! haha. Don't burn your baking dish! =/

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